This is the video edition of LOB020: Shear Aussie Art.
It’s the age old question. A guy meets a pretty lady and he wants to ask her out on a date. This question is hard enough even in your own language. But what if it’s not your own language. What if instead its Australian or ‘Stalian to be more correct. In this episode of the Lost Out Back podcast John and Kev teach you how to ask an Australian woman out on a date.
What’s the big deal, anyway? Call it Ayers Rock or Uluru, Kevin thinks the big, red rock at the centre of Australia is nothing more than a glorified tourist trap. Having just experienced the magic for himself, John sets out to change his mind.
Listen in and experience for yourself an Uluru sunrise with bikini-clad resort babes jaded smokers and yoga instructors, and ponder the improprieties of the satellite photography in Google Earth. I ask you: is this not paradise on earth?
For the low-budget tour, install Google Earth and open this placemark.
As mentioned in the show this is an image of Mulga Man, which is one of Uluru’s many weathered features.
Hey folks, it’s the listener feedback special of the Lost Out Back podcast. Yes that’s right, Kev & John have run out of material so they’ve decided to read out some of your posts, in the hope that they might be funny.
The LOB boys talk of Lara the German journo’, Aleksey the Ukrainian super fan, Emily “I think Russell Crowe is God” Twatson and Ian from Switzerland who is learning English using the LOB podcast – god help you Ian.
Isn’t it cool how so many different people, from so many different places around the world are brought together to listen to this podcast. Peace.
The lie must end. Kevin and John have been less than honest with you over the last bit. We’ve been overseas and we haven’t made a new episode in months. Instead we have been playing a series of pre-recorded stuff to cover up our absence. Ha! And you guys didn’t even notice. Now that we are back in Aus, it’s time to reveal our tales of abroad.

(source: Australia Zoo)
The Lost Out Back podcast wishes to express its sadness at the loss of aussie icon Steve Irwin (The Crocodile Hunter) in a tragic accident during the filming of a nature documentary this past Monday, September 4th, 2006.
For many people around the world, Irwin was the face of Australia, and represented many of the best qualities of the country to which we pay tribute in every episode of Lost Out Back. We’ll miss you, Steve.
In this episode, John and Kev discuss the four stereotypical types of Australian, the cars they drive and what they all have to do with Kath and Kim. Pictured here is a Holden Commodore Kingswood (the “Town” Australian’s vehicle of choice) decked out in “Country” corrugated iron—what a clash of subcultures!
Also in this episode, Kev recounts the experience his girlfriend had when she set out to cash in on a special offer at her local gym.
G’Day, g’day. Welcome to episode 14 of your favourite podcast about Australia, brought to you by two non-Australians. In this week’s episode Kev tells John about the new additions to his family while John tells Kev why he hates Jamie Oliver. Hmm, not much to do about Australia this week. I guess we will have to work on that for our next show. Hope you like it all the same.
G’Day world. This is Australia calling. This week Kev and John have their biggest episode yet. Yeah, I know we keep saying that but really this one is massive. Why? Well we’ve secured our first celebrity interview with none other than Russell Crowe (the best Australian actor to ever come out of New Zealand). And if that wasn’t enough for you, we also introduce you to Australia’s national dessert the Pavlova, as well as Christmas in July and the Lyrebird, which would have to be world’s most amazing song bird. Huge isn’t it?
Music this week is brought to you by this fabo’ band from Canada called Maticulous, whose song “Australian Vacation” could have been written for LOB, it’s so apt. Their record label is Broken Wreckords Studio.
Hope you like the show and keep those posts coming.
Let it never be said that Kev and John shy away from the big issues. This episode, they confront squarely the national crisis that has shaken every Australian household to its very foundation: the Australian banana shortage. Restaurant menus are changing, school children are suffering, monkeys are starving… think of the monkeys! Before you brave the banana black market (the black banana market?), make sure you have all the facts. It’s a jungle out there.
Related links:
- Disaster drives bug price surge (Sydney Morning Herald)
- Banana shortage to ease (The Australian)
Also this episode, John takes a moment to share his revealing encounter with an Ozzie Osborne impersonator. I think the less said about that here, the better.
And for those who enjoyed (and survived) the last time, John again shares his practical tips for surviving an encounter with Australian wildlife. This episode, we look at the scariest Australian native of them all: the crocodile. Find out why those long pants might not be the best thing to wear on your next trip to Tropical North Queensland.